
MOME 澳動傳科是一家在澳門提供全方位市場推廣及媒體廣告服務的公司。鑑於市場對媒體策劃需求的快速增長,我們致力提供一站式和創新的解決方案,透過研發O2O 互動方案、管理媒體投放和我們的視像媒體平台,幫助 客戶品牌有效地傳播訊息至廣大的觀眾及用戶群。 我們致力為客戶提供一站式解決方案,憑藉我們的專業知識和優質服務,現已成為本澳多個大型企業的首選。

MOME is a media and marketing company in Macau . In view of rapid growth for the demand on media planning, we specialise in innovative solutions that help brands to engage with their target audience by leveraging our visual media platforms, managing media placements and creating online to oine interactive campaigns . We aim at providing a one-stop comprehensive media solution to our clients. With our professional knowledge and quality service, we have now become the most popular media company for a lot of large corporate clients in Macau.

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