Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16
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Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16簡介
   Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16
French elegance and impeccable service meet oriental opulence in a convenient yet unexpectedly secluded riverside location at the heart of Old Vintage Macau. The complex of 408 luxury rooms and suites, restaurants, bars, So SPA, fitness centre, swimming pools, multi-function and meeting rooms ensures that Sofitel has created an exquisite world for true lovers of "art de vivre"; connoisseurs who travel the world in search of places that delight their senses.

坐落於澳門歷史老城區極其便捷的地理位置,擁有內港堤畔無敵景致,原汁原味的法式優雅情懷融匯東方格調,更帶來無可匹敵的完美服務。酒店設有408間豪華客房、優雅餐廳、時尚酒吧、宴會廳及會議室、室外泳池、So SPA水療及健身中心,為旅客締造在家以外的極致悠閒文化。

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