Global Asset Management Corporation
Global Asset Management Corporation簡介
   全球21個國家經營業務之國際金融集團,截至2011年6月30日止,管理資產約 4,810億加元 = 約 38,789億港元,為配合亞洲業務發展,現誠邀有志於金融事業發展之社會才俊及有意發揮個人專長及建立自己事業王國之仕,與我們一起發光發熱,我們會以 最高報酬及最佳人力物力支援,以助閣下達致理想目標。

A worldwide financial group operating in 21 countries and had its funds under management of Cdn $ 481 billion (HK $ 3,878.9 billion) as of June 30,2011 is seeking high caliber people with career-minded and winning attitude to cope with their expansion. Therefore, we’ll offer the highest benefits to the right candidates in comparison to the market.

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