City Facilities Management (HKG) Ltd
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City Facilities Management (HKG) Ltd簡介
   City know that our team of highly skilled people is the driving force behind our success and growth. Quite simply, our people are our greatest asset or, as we’re proud to say, “Our People Are the Soul of Our City”.
When you join City, you’ll join more than 13,000 customer-focused team members located across five continents. All our team members are dedicated to our goal: to work collaboratively with our partners to deliver long-term tailored business solutions.
We’re a fast-growing company with opportunities across the full spectrum of facilities management.
City will offer a workplace where you will feel supported, offers a rewarding career and recognises and rewards successful performance.
When City partner with our clients, we become part of their business, rather than just an extension of it. Through our 100% transparency model, we offer a new way of doing business that delivers long-term cost savings and benefits.
We foster a culture of collaboration and open dialogue, and take the time to understand our clients brand, priorities and goals. City also has the global reach and innovative expertise to drive better outcomes for our clients.

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